• Section: Rerun With Stripe
  • Last updated: June 21, 2019, 3:18 p.m.

Stripe Integration with Rerun

Why pay the monthly Stripe fee vs. the flat-fee? To be candid, our integration with Stripe is primarily for international businesses (non-U.S.) where Forte doesn’t process transactions. In some cases, Stripe might be more forgiving/accepting of some prohibited businesses that Forte won’t accept, which can be found here. Of course, if you already have an existing Stripe account and simply wish to plug that into Rerun for simplicity's sake, that makes sense too.

Why use Rerun at all when Stripe does recurring payments? Well, that's a different question.

While Stripe has the ability to process subscription payments, Rerun simply does more. With Rerun, you'll not only process recurring and one-time payments, you can also manage exceptions (failed or declined credit cards), automate customer communication, create a hosted checkout page, and integrate with top accounting software.