Recurring Payment Processing for your Shared Workspace

Easily automate your coworking billing process. Save your precious time. Make members happy.

Collin Sansom & Riley Kiltz, Craftwork Coffee Co., Coworking Workspace
Fort Worth, TX

Subscription and membership billing made easy.

Coworking Software Made Simple

Accept credit cards and ACH/eCheck

Managing a shared workspace keeps you busy. Making sure your members are taken care of, the shared workspace is tidy and efficient, all while running a business. Accepting and accounting for your recurring payments for membership fees may sometimes feel like an afterthought.
That’s where we come in.

Rerun automates your invoicing, payment processing, and tenant emails so that you can save your time and energy for what’s important. With Rerun, you can charge one-time payments, set up recurring payment plans, add discounts for multiple workspaces, and even charge a credit card surcharge to offset your credit card processing costs.

How It Works

Simple setup

Set up Rerun payment streams to match your membership plans. Add your members. Payments are processed. That’s it.

Email contact

Automatically email your members based on events, such as successful payments or declined credit cards. Create your own emails or modify our templates.

Member access

Allow your members to view or edit their payment and contact information online using your secure, hosted My Account page.

Checkout process

Customize your Checkout pages to accept new members online so that they are automatically set up for recurring billing.


Enter an initial fee to include with the first payment, charge different amounts each month, offer refunds or credits, add taxes, discounts, or a credit card surcharge.

Accounting integrations

Sync customers, items, taxes and sales activity with QuickBooks Online, Xero or AccountEdge for a powerful end-to-end financial solution.